This is only an information site
A drop that can improve your life
Alternative therapy for symptoms caused by cancer
Vidatox is the venom that gives you hope
A smile for milions of families
Together for a common cause
Incepand cu data de astazi 18.06.2015 , pot fi contactat direct in Havana , Cuba la numarul de telefon prin apel sau mesaj : +5358416927
Important : Diferenta de fus orar este de 8 ore.

What is Vidatox?

Vidatox este un medicament homeopatic lansat în anul 2011 care a îmbunătăţit viaţa a peste 65.000 de pacienţi cu afecţiuni oncologice.


Vidatox News

Find out the latest news about treatment Vidatox: opinions of experts, newspaper articles, expert studies.



Exista vreo diferenta intre Vidatox 30 CH si Vidatox plus? Raspunsul la aceasta intrebare in mod firesc ar trebui sa fie "nu". Pe toate siturile de comercializare sau de informare cu privire la acest tratament nu sunt mentionate diferente intre medicamentul homeopat Vidatox 30 CH si Vidatox plus, produs functional energizat asa cum sunt prezentate cele doua produse pe situl oficial al Grupului Empresarial Labiofam Havana.


Legal: The content on this site is for informational purposes only!
Before starting the treatment it is recomended to consult a specialist.
Blue Scorpion Venom: Cuba’s Miracle Drug
  • Iurea Cristina
  • 27 May, 2013
The treatment is now poised for a global premiere. Cuba’s state pharmaceutical company, Labiofam, recently began mass-producing a homeopathic version called Vidatox. A handful of... Read more ...
Hungarian Company to Distribute Cuba’s Cancer Treatment Drug in Jamaica
  • Iurea Cristina
  • 27 May, 2013
Hungarian drug distribution company, Medimpex, has been granted exclusive rights to import and sell Vidatox, a drug developed in Cuba used to treat cancer, to... Read more ...
Cuba Begins Export of Medical Product Deriving from Scorpions’ Toxin
  • Iurea Cristina
  • 27 May, 2013
HAVANA, Cuba, May 7 (acn) Cuba has begun to export Vidatox, a medical product for cancer therapy derived from a toxin found in scorpions, as... Read more ...
Cuba Working On Anti-Cancer Treatments Using Scorpion Venom
  • Iurea Cristina
  • 27 May, 2013
Cuba is working on four research projects on anti-cancer treatments using the venom of a type of scorpion that is endemic to the island, government... Read more ...
Scientists use scorpion venom to cure cancer
  • Iurea Cristina
  • 27 May, 2013
Scientists claim to have developed a new homeopathic drug from the venom of the blue scorpion to cure a range of common human cancers. The... Read more ...
Successful Cuban anti-cancer drug
  • Iurea Cristina
  • 27 May, 2013
Cuban drug improves quality of life of about 65,000 cancer patients Vidatot, a homeopathic drug, was launched in 2011. The Cuban drug called Vidatox, differs... Read more ...
“It gave me back the energy and desire to live. The pleasure of feeling well”. These were the words with which Luciano Lacovino and his wife Angela Guarino defined the effects of Vidatox 30 CH in their last visit to Labiofam S.A in July, 2011. Patient diagnosed with 12 tumors on the vocal cords since 2008, which were operated on time and with the application of conventional treatment. The patient started his treatment with Vidatox and thereafter began to regain weight, strength and energy. The treatment stabilized his blood pressure while prevented metastasis, according to statements by Luciano himself.
Luciano Lacovino
Lecturer in Teaching of Psychology and Health Development, with 10 years of symptoms of fever, pain, mental confusion and abstinence, which worsened from April to October. … “This syndrome made me sleepy, took away the strength to work, and prevented me from developing a normal life.” After 4 months of treatment with Vidatox 30 CH the patient informed that in the first month all symptoms had disappeared.
Angela Guarino
Buna ziua tuturor, si eu sunt in tratament cu produsul din Cuba -mai exact cu ambele atat cel albastru TJ care este de intretinere cat si cu escozolul in sticlute mici care este de fapt de baza deocamdata in cazul meu Metastaze osoase si hepatice depistate in 2009 -cred ca incepe sa functioneze dupa primele 2 luni de tratament este insa dificil trasuel cu Cuba cred ca ar fi bine sa incercam in mod unit sa actionam in grupuri si sa putem lua direct de la Havana de la Labiofarm eu am acolo deja dosarul si le trimit lunar analize sange,RMN, CT am folosit in toamna si Vidatox din Albania -a fost ok -chiar dupa un flacon mi-au scazut markerii..dar apoi primind din Cuba incerc sa merg pe aceasta varianta eu cred ca are niste rezultate -pana la urma si daca reusim sa tinem evolutia sub control, sa fi lenta este un progres….. sanatate tuturor si sa incercam sa fim puternici !
Teodoro Wiedemer